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The Minton Probe e.2000 camera
, (also known as the Genius 1.0 camera and other random names) despite it's name and information
in the manual appears to be (from the files it writes) only a 1024 by 768
(ie 800k pixel) camera. The images are (before compression) as a one layer
deep 1024x768 8 bit image in the usual scan order. Different pixel correspond
to R, G and B. Starting at the top left the raster is tiled with 2x2 sqaures
as follows.

The eye is more sensitive to green The images are the compressed using
a propreitry compression algorythm, which truncates the depth and uses
some sort of RLE. My code is in 5 parts
genius.c - which downloads thumbnails and full images from the camera.
decompress.S which links with decomp.c - is the decompression code.
decomp.c - call decompress.S
thm2ppm.c - which converts interleaved thumbnails to ppm format
int2ppm.c - which (badly) converts interleaved full images to ppm format
Makefile - which does everything for you
run the Makefile to make the parts. genius will download everything from
the camera. The Makefile will then convert the thumbnails using thm2ppm
< in > out, and also the full images using decomp < in | int2ppm
> out.
you can get the whole lot as a tar ball here....