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The World's Smallest Socialist Radio Station(tm):
NEW! Listen to the glorious
songs of the worlds smallest
socialist radio station(tm).

It is now possible to use the same technologies used to miniaturise computers and electronics to miniaturise ideologies, this project represents an exiting new technological development.

Made out of parts assembled in the glorious worker's paradise of the People's Republic of China, the world's smallest socialist radio station(tm) consists of a small transmitter, and an MP3 player. Current programming consists of the "Internationale" in many different languages on a loop. The world's smallest socialist radio station(tm) started transmitting at 13:48:23 on November the 8th 2001. and relayed the glorious message to all the workers within a radius of eight feet.

After some highly technical tweaking to the transmitter the world's smallest socialist radio station(tm) was about to transmit the glorious message in stereo with approximately twice the range. Transmission stopped at about 18:23:10 when a bourgeois-capitalist plot caused the power to the transmitter to fail.

However thanks to the glorious labours of the people of international socialism new batteries were found, and the world's smallest socialist radio station(tm) was taken on a walking tour of downtown Cambridge to meet the proletariat, and to increase its range to several miles. Following a meeting in a coffee shop, the world's smallest socialist radio station(tm) returned back to its custom built storage facility to await the revolution.

It is planned to take the world's smallest socialist radio station(tm) to meet Karl in north London at some point so that its designers and the dedicated team of people who support it may meet the inspiration behind its birth.
Then comrades, come rally
And the last fight let us face
The Internationale
Unites the human race.