I wrote toshoboe because I needed it - it took about a week to reverse engineer the the chip using a combination of techniques including decompilation, emulation and using a debugger. At the end I had some drivers that worked well but had lots of VooDoo. After about a year I came across some documentation and Rewrote the drivers from scratch. Various people have fixed things that I missed, and someone kindly ported toshoboe-2.12 to kernel 2.4.x. The future direction (if I can be bothered) is to implement a serial interface to toshoboe so that people can use gnokii and I can use kermit to talk to my HP calculator.
Since then there have been two separate ports to 2.4.x:
For various reasons he changed the name of the driver to donauboe so if
you use the tutorial below with his driver you may want to bear that in mind.
You should also visit for information on how to install these 2.4.x drivers.
Lots of thanks to those brave souls who plowed through my code to fix it up for 2.4.x thank you all very much.
If you have a toshoboe chip you'll get a line with 1179:0701 or
1179:0d01 in it, if you don't you haven't and it's as simple as that.
"But," I hear you cry "isn't 1179:0701 a lucent winmodem chip?". No
it isn't someone screwed up making the PCI database for linux.
2.2.20 | 2.4.14 | |
ships with kernel | toshoboe 1.91 (old version before rewrite) | toshoboe 1.91 |
Latest | toshoboe 2.12 | donauboe 2.14 |
If you use X or some other deviant graphical interface you may have
to type "dmesg" to get the output above. If you did find a chip but you
didn't pass the self test mail
me and I'll be genuinely interested. [NB: Older drivers don't do self
Now if you are 99% of people you want to get this to work with your
mobile phone. If you are 98% of people you are porbably also confused at
this point. I get more email about this than
any other thing:
The procedure above has absolutely nothing to do with IrDA serial ports, IrCOMM or making your mobile phone go. Once you have irda0 up and running, the kernel emulates a serial port (called /dev/ircomm0) operations on /dev/ircomm0 are turned into IrDA network packets and sent out over the IrDA interface.
Since the toshoboe chip is not connected to a serial port you should not be running irattach on anything least of all /dev/ircomm0 (which would mean, dear kernel in order to send an IrDA packet please send data to the emulated serial port. To send data from the emulated serial port please send it as an IrDA packet.)
All you need to do after doing modprobe toshoboe is the following:
If you don't have ircomm-tty but you do have ircomm_tty replace
your kernel it's too old, and you don't want to try the old version.
To see your phone put it in range and switch on ir on the phone. Then
If you don't have /dev/ircomm0 make it with