Version 1.2

first publically released version.

You may need to apply this patch if you are compiling on an old 2.0.x system. You need this patch if you get a message complaining that "PF_PACKET" is undefined. Download it and place it in the directory you unpacked rpld-1.2 into (The one containing the README file). To apply the patch type "patch < rpld-1.2-linux-2.0.patch".

Version 1.3

Support added to apply directives to ranges of MAC addresses as well as single MAC addesses.

Version 1.4

nospew and pacing directives added.

Version 1.5

rpld is now robust to buggy clients requesting blocks after the end of file, also the default value for pacing has been changed from 1000 to 10000, so stop this hapening.

Version 1.7

Added support for SOCK_PACKET style filtering and native llc support also added a few usefull command line options.